If you're reading this, good news! Our new website is up and running, and with it is our web-store where you can place pre-orders for Volume I... That's not the end of the good news, either, as I type, we are exporting and uploading artwork to our printers for a small run of prints ahead of sign-off and pressing the big button on our production run. I fully anticipate we will be disptaching this amazing, 268 page magazine in late-August.
Everyone at the 'Echo appreciates the patience we have been extended - while our expectations for shipping dates may have slipped a little, we've taken this extra time to add further depth to some articles, and really spend time making sure it's the best product it could possibly be. I hope you will get as much pleasure reading it as I have watching it develop from nothing more than a seemingly unachievable idea into reality. I'd like to take this opportunity to the over 300 individuals from 15(!) countries who have bought into this vision and supported us in bringing this passion project to life.

So - CLEAR PROP - we're about to do a thing!
Harry Measures
Visuals Lead